[Oh ! ma bonne Madame Laure...]
Lettre de Flora Tristan à Madame Laure recopiée par André Breton.
Trois images, une notice descriptive, une œuvre associée, une bibliographie.
Lettre de Flora Tristan à Madame Laure recopiée par André Breton.
Trois images, une notice descriptive, une œuvre associée, une bibliographie.
Note from André Breton, undated, addressed to Jacqueline Lamba.
An image, a descriptive note, a transcription, a library, links.
A manuscript by André Breton dated 17 december 1936.
Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.
A poem by André Breton dedicated to his daughter Aube, written on 17 March, 1946, on the way from Havana to New Orleans.
An image, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a library, a transcription, links.
Manuscrit de la main d'André Breton recopiant des textes d'Elisa, daté 10 et 11 août 1953.
Une image, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, une revue associée.
Manuscrit autographe non signé, non daté composé de textes divers qui forment un ensemble.
Trois images, une notice descriptive à compléter.
Manuscript of the lecture from January 11th, 1946; second of the eight given by André Breton in Haiti.
Third lecture in a series of eight that André Breton gave in Haiti in December 1945-1946. This one was given on January 22nd 1946.
Handwritten text from the fourth lecture, given on Friday, January 25th, 1946; to be included in the Inédits I (Unpublished Texts I) of the third volume of the Pléiade in 1992.
Manuscript of the Fifth Lecture by André Breton in Haiti, this time regarding modern art, held on January 29, 1946. This text, which deals with collages, Cubism, and Surrealism, will be published in the Inédits I (Unpublished Texts I) of the Pléiade in 1992.
Manuscript of the sixth lecture given by Breton at Port-au-Prince (Haiti) on February 5th, 1946, and which would be published in 1992 by Gallimard [Publishing] House.
Manuscript of the seventh lecture of Breton in Port-au-Prince, given on February 8th, 1946. It will be published in the Pléiade library in 1992.
Manuscript of the eighth Breton lecture delivered on February 12th, 1946. Through topics such as Dada, Tanguy, Dalí, Ernst and Futurism, André Breton "returns to the antinomy of necessity and freedom" (Inédits I [Unpublished Texts] I, t. III, 1992, p. 1243).
Manuscrit signé d'André Breton et daté du 16 juillet 1957
Une image, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, une œuvre associée.
[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Archives] Le surréalisme, même
Hand-written poem of André Breton composed between 1920 and 1923.
An image, a description to complete, links, a library, a bibliography.
Hand-written manuscript signed by André Breton and dated December 7, 1961, paying homage to the engraver Albagnac.
Texte d'André Breton pour la revue Les Écrits nouveaux, en janvier 1919, collecté par l'Argus de la presse et conservé par Breton.
11 images, une notice descriptive, une série, une bibliographie, une bibliothèque.
[Archives] Argus de la presse d'André Breton et Louis Aragon [1914-1924]
Alfred Jarry’s Astrological Chart and manuscript development by André Breton, dating from 1926 to 1930.
Four images, a descriptive notice, a link.
Manuscript and typescript of a speech given by André Breton on 24 June, 1950.
12 images, a description, a bibliography, a museum, an exhibition.
Manuscript by André Breton in memory of Francis Picabia read on 4 December, 1953.
Four images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a library.