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[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966

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André Breton

In April 1964, the exhibition on Surrealism at the Charpentier gallery organised by Patrick Waldberg elicited a scathing response from Breton, in this letter to André Parinaud, 2nd stage. An image, a description.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


[Veuillez trouver ci dessous les noms...]

André Breton


Lettre d'André Breton datée du 4 juin 1965 et adressée à la rédaction du journal Arts.

Une image, une notice descriptive.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Revue] Arts


Albagnac (engraver)

André Breton


Hand-written manuscript signed by André Breton and dated December 7, 1961, paying homage to the engraver Albagnac.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


Allocution au Colombarium du Père-Lachaise pour la mort de Natalia Trotski

André Breton


Manuscrits d'André Breton, datés 27 janvier 1962, pour un hommage rendu le 29 à Natalia Trotsky.

Six images, une notice descriptive.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


Anthology of black humour

André Breton


List of authors for the reissue in May 1966 of Anthologie de l'humour noir published by Jean-Jacques Pauvert hand written by André Breton.

Three images, a descriptive note.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966



André Breton


Autograph manuscript by André Breton dated Christmas 1962.

An image, a description, a bibliography, a collection.


[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


Page about _Les D etraqu_ees

André Breton


André Breton's autograph manuscript predating the reprint of Nadja in 1963.

Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a series.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Archives] Le surréalisme, même


The beautiful pewter...

André Breton


Undated manuscript, signed by André Breton, relating to a pewter plate engraved by Verlaine and Jarry.

Two images, a descriptive note, a review, associated manuscripts and photographs.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Journal] La Brèche


The beautiful pewter of this plate...

André Breton


Autograph manuscript with photograph, signed and dated 19 September 1965. The photograph shows the pewter plate engraved by Alfred Jarry and Paul Verlaine.

An image, a descriptive note, a series, an associated journal, a series.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Journal] La Brèche, [Archives] Le surréalisme, même



André Breton


Manuscrits signés d'André Breton et datés du 21-25 octobre 1962.

Quatre images, une notice descriptive

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966



André Breton


Manuscript in Breton’s hand of an article published on 5 March 1962 in Combat-Art, co-authored with Édouard Jaguer, Charles Estienne and José Pierre.
Four images, a note, a bibliography, a link.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Revue] Combat, Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives


Citations de Robespierre et Montesquieu

André Breton

Deux références que choisit Breton pour la revue 14 juillet lancée en juillet 1958 par J.Schuster et D.Mascolo : Révolution et liberté, Robespierre et Montesquieu.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966



André Breton
Joan Miró


Corrected proofs of the poems written in 1958 by Breton about Joan Miró’s gouaches dating from 1941, using their titles.

18 images, a descriptive notice, a link.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966



André Breton


Manuscript by André Breton dated 14 May 1959 for an exhibition May-June 1959 in rue des Beaux-Arts.

An image, a description, a bibliography, an exhibition.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


The discovery of the Musee Gustave Moreau...

André Breton


Undated manuscript of a text by André Breton forming the preface for L'Art fantastique de Gustave Moreau published by Pauvert in December 1960.

Five images, a description, a bibliography, some links.

[Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture, [AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


Diverses listes de peintres, etc.

André Breton


Listes manuscrites d'artistes et d'œuvres à reproduire (ou pas) dans Le Surréalisme et la peinture.

Quatre images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie.

[Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture, [AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


[We know that, considering...]

André Breton


Manuscript signed by André Breton and dated September 11, 1960 about the election of the Prince of Poets.

Two images, a descriptive note.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


Enrico Baj

André Breton


Manuscript and typescript, dated February 1963, of a preface devoted to the work of Enrico Baj for an exhibition in 1964, which had been planned as early as 1962.

Nine images, a note, a bibliography, links.

[Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture, [AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


Envergure de René Magritte

André Breton


Manuscrit d'André Breton daté du 16 février 1964 et consacré à Magritte. Il sera édité dans Le Surréalisme et la Peinture en 1965.

Quatre images, une série, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie.

[Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture, [AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966