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Home Page > Works > Ladies, gentlemen, why not admit it? I was feeling a peculiar anxietyLadies, gentlemen, why not admit it? I was feeling a peculiar anxiety
Author André BretonPeople cited Dr Jean-Martin Charcot, Théodore Flournoy, Sigmund Freud, Héraclite, Jaensch, Henry James, Kiesow, Isidore Ducasse, dit comte de Lautréamont, Lee Miller, Henry Moore, F. W. H. Myers, Paul Nash, Arthur Rimbaud, von Schrenck-Notzing, Hugh Sykes Davies, David Gascoyne, Humphrey Jennings, Roland Penrose, Herbert Edward Read
This address, which André Breton included in La Clé des champs, completes a previous conference, itself similar to the introduction he gave at the Copenhagen and Tenerife exhibitions. In “Limits not frontiers of surrealism”, he insists on the English gothic novel and its occultation of reason. The poet thus takes stock of a well identified but little explored legacy (Radcliffe, Walpole, Lewis); the conference then refers to Freud and William James, thus resuming the uninterrupted course of a reflection on knowledge.
Address probably given at the inauguration of the London surrealist exhibition
Creation date | juin -36 |
Languages | French |
Physical description | Ms et placards collés - encre verte et imp et crayon vert |
Reference | 455000 |
Keywords | Exhibitions |
Set | [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts |
Exhibitions | Exposition internationale Kubisme-Surrealisme de Copenhague , Exposition internationale du Surréalisme de Ténérife |
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