Au 42, rue Fontaine, avec Melmoth
Melmoth (Person cited)
4 tirages photographiques représentant l'appartement d'André Breton, rue Fontaine, à Paris, c. 1929-1933
Six images, une notice descriptive.
Melmoth (Person cited)
4 tirages photographiques représentant l'appartement d'André Breton, rue Fontaine, à Paris, c. 1929-1933
Six images, une notice descriptive.
Melmoth (Person cited)
Une photographie de l'atelier rue Fontaine avec Melmoth.
Une image, une notice descriptive, une exposition, une bibliographie.
Melmoth (Person cited)
Photographic documents relating to Les Vases communicants [The Communicating Vessels] dated 1931 and titled by André Breton.
Fifteen images, a descriptive note to be completed.
[AB's Manuscripts] L'Amour fou, Arcane 17, Les Vases communicants,
Melmoth (Person cited)
A series of photo booth photographs taken circa 1929, used by André Breton to frame Magritte’s painting, I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest.
Melmoth (Person cited)
Photo booth portrait of Muzard taken circa 1929 to frame Magritte’s painting, I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest.
Melmoth (Person cited)
Photo booth portraits and photography of André Breton and Suzanne Muzard circa 1927.
Melmoth (Person cited)
Photo booth portrait of Muzard taken circa 1929 to frame Magritte’s painting, I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest.
[Exhibitions] 2009-2010, Subversion of the images, Beaubourg