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Notebook for _Nadja_

1926 (October)



Author André Breton
Person cited Nadja


A handwritten notebook with Breton’s notes about Nadja beginning on 16 October 1926.

A notebook in which Breton records his time spent with Léona Delcourt, known as Nadja, in the form of hastily written diary notes between 4 and 13 October, 1926. [Atelier André Breton website, 2019]


Lire le carnet d'André Breton

Creation dateoctobre 1926 - février 1927
Bibliographical material

Ms, black ink - 70 f. (150 x 100 mm) including 39 blanks. Bound in unbleached canvas in a case-slip by Pierre-Lucien Martin.


Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris : NAF 29000 (1)

Size10,00 x 15,00 cm
Number of pages40 p.
CategoriesAndre Breton's Manuscripts
Set[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts
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