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"We don't ear it that way": A Surrealist polemic which started with this tract, written in Paris in French and then in English for the public of New York. Started by the Surrealist group of Paris to protest against the presence of Dali at the Surrealist exhibition held at the D'Arcy Galleries in New York, in November and December of 1960.  It seems that Dali had been invited by the gallery coordinator (indicated by a few letters in the Breton archives), but also with the agreement of Marcel Duchamp, who stayed friends with the Spanish painter, despite the disagreement of André Breton.

André Breton, the official co-organizer of the exhibition, was opposed to Dali's presence and his painting which seemed to figure a "Madonna" entitled "L'oreille anti-matière."  According to Dali, he responded to the surrealist tract with another tract, "New York Salutes Me," in which he revindicated himself to be surrealist and explained that in being a surrealist painter, he never had the slightest idea of what his painting signified. 

Copy N°1/25 ex. on large paper (colored with green tint) "adorned with a few hairs of the real moustache."

This tract was also transcribed. You can find it on the site of Centre de recherches sur le surréalisme, Mélusine.


José Pierre (dir.), Tracts surréalistes et Déclarations collectives (1922-1969), Paris, Le Terrain vague (Éric Losfeld éditeur), t. II, p. 209


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Notice Worldcat

Bibliographical material1 page in-4°.
Breton Collection Sold 2003 - lot n° 1643.
Date of publication 01/12/1960
Publicationfirst publication
LanguagesEnglish, French
Size30,00 cm
Number of pages[1] f. impr
PublisherSans éditeur
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 1643
Keywords, ,
SetTracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives
Exhibition1960, Surrealist Intrusion in the Enchanters' Domain, International Surrealist Exhibition, D'Arcy Galleries, New York
Permanent link
Exhibition place

See also

3 Works

New York Salutes Me

Salvador Dalí


Tract en anglais rédigé par Salvador Dali et publié à New York en 1960.

Une image, une notice descriptive, une exposition, un tract associé, un lien.

Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives


Nous ne l'entendons pas de cette oreille

André Breton


Manuscrit signé d'André Breton et daté du 6 décembre 1960.

Une image, une notice descriptive.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives


We don't ear it that way

Robert Benayoun


Tract contre l'accueil chaleureux réservé par Duchamp à Dali lors de l'exposition aux galeries D'Arcy de New York.

Une image, une notice descriptive, un lien.

Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives