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Typed letter signed by André Breton and dated 12 January 1947.

This letter, sent by André Breton and Marcel Duchamp and inviting artists to participate in the exhibition Surrealism in 1947 (to be held at the Maeght Gallery in July), defined what was at stake in surrealist activity as the expression of a ‘new myth’. The two organisers, who took a chance by inviting many newcomers, insisted that it should have an overall cohesion and moreover be conceived on the model of initiation. We know that the exhibition was envisaged as a set of rooms each of which would have its own coherence (whose design would be entrusted to a particular artist), the pinnacle of which would be twelve altars, as Breton specifies, without intending to establish a new ‘cult’ as an objective. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]

Invitation letter to the participants, International Exhibition of Surrealism, Paris 12 January 1947.
Typescript of a text published in the catalogue Le surréalisme en 1947 (pages 135-8) with the title ‘Initial Projet’. [Sale catalogue, 2003]

*This entry was translated from the French by Michael Richardson.


André Breton et Marcel Duchamp, « Projet initial », Le Surréalisme en 1947, Paris, Maeght, 1947, pages 135 à 138.


Creation date12/01/1947
Bibliographical material

7 pages in-4° - Ts - black ink

Place of origin

Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Centre Pompidou, Paris : Fonds André Breton 10592 Boîte de la vente

Number of pages7 p.
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2282
Keywords, , ,
CategoriesArchives, Letters from André Breton
Set[Exhibitions] 1947, Exposition Maeght 1947
Exhibition1947, Le Surréalisme en 1947
Permanent link
Place of origin
Exhibition place