Erik Satie
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscript signed by André Breton and dated 16 June 1955.
An image, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a collection.
Jarry l'impertinent, l'hydropathe, est avant tout un brillant écrivain, dramaturge farceur. Il a fasciné André Breton et les surréalistes. Sur son site, vous trouverez chronologie, bibliographie complète (avec livrels pour vos liseuses et tablettes), et critiques. Un modèle.
Occupation | Poète, romancier et dramaturge français |
website | Alfred Jarry |
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscript signed by André Breton and dated 16 June 1955.
An image, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a collection.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Signed manuscript by André Breton dated 15 May 1957.
Two images, a description, a bibliography.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscript of the ‘preface-manifesto’ for the Dessins symbolistes [Symbolist Drawings] exhibition, organised by Breton at the Bateau-Lavoir in March 1958.
Three images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, an exhibition.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Autograph manuscript by André Breton written between December 1958 and January 1959, published in BIEF No.4 in February 1959.
Two images, a descriptive note, a series, a bibliography.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Interview with André Breton by Madeleine Chapsal, published in L'Express on 9 August 1962.
Four mages, a description, a bibliography, a library.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Second draft of the manuscript of ‘Perspective cavalière’, originally titled ‘Qu'à cela ne tienne’ (‘Never mind’), published in no. 5 of La Brèche in October 1963.
Five images, a description, a link, a bibliography.
[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Journal] La Brèche
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
First draft of a manuscript by André Breton, finally entitled ‘Cavalier Perspective’ and published in La Brèche in October 1963.
An image, a descriptive note, a library, a series, links.
[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Journal] La Brèche
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Handwritten text by André Breton dated 7 May 1936, which would be published in the definitive edition of Surrealism and Painting in 1965.
One image, one descriptive notice, one bibliography.
[Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscript by André Breton of a text dated 7 May 1955 that was published in Arts in May 1955. It would be republished as the preface of the Julliard edition of Le Voleur in 1964, and then in Breton’s Perspective cavalière in 1970.
An image, a description, a bibliography.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Text of an interview with Breton by Yves Pérès conducted in Paris on 28 September 1952 and published on 10 October in La Liberté du Morbihan.
Three pictures, a descriptive note, a bibliography.
[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscript of an article published in Médium, communication surréaliste, N°2, February 1954.
Four pictures, a descriptive note, a bibliography.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscript by André Breton in memory of Francis Picabia read on 4 December, 1953.
Four images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a library.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Première version de la chronologie établie par André Breton pour le numéro spécial de Flair prévu en 1953.
39 images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une série.
[Archives] Dossier Flair, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Revue] Numéro spécial de Flair (1953)
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscrits signés d'André Breton, non datés, datant sans doute de mai 1957.
17 images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, un lien.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscript of a text by André Breton devoted to Matta, undated, written during the summer of 1944 and published in Le Surréalisme et la peinture in 1965.
Five images, a description, a bibliography, a library.
[Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscript of a preface dated February 1965 to introduce Klapheck's exhibition at the Sonnabend Gallery.
Two images, a description.
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Manuscrit signé de Jaques Brunius mais non daté.
Deux images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une œuvre associée.
[Exhibitions] 1959-1960, [E.R.O.S.] Exposition internationale du Surréalisme, [Correspondance] Correspondance avec Brunius
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
C'est un véritable morceau d'anthologie que cette lettre du « jeune surréaliste » M. Rapin, qui accable André Breton de reproches.
[Exhibitions] 1959-1960, [E.R.O.S.] Exposition internationale du Surréalisme
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Liste d'auteurs, de peintres et de tableaux destinés à l'exposition internationale du surréalisme (E.R.O.S).
Cinq images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une série.
[Exhibitions] 1959-1960, [E.R.O.S.] Exposition internationale du Surréalisme
Alfred Jarry (Person cited)
Tapuscrit d'André Breton préparé en vue d'impression, signé et daté de mai 1953.
Neuf images, une notice descriptive à compléter, une bibliographie.
[Archives] Chemise cartonnée titrée, [AB's Manuscripts] Manifestes du Surréalisme, [Journal] Médium