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The Surrealist Revolution




Founded by Pierre Naville, Benjamin Péret


Complete collection of the most famous and important journal, The Surrealist Revolution. 12 numbers of the journal in 11 issues: from December 1st, 1924 to the 15th of December 1929. Directed by Pierre Naville and Benjamin Péret for the first four issues and then by André Breton for the remaining seven.

Texts by Breton, Eluard, Desnos, Aragon, Eluard, Reverdy, Soupault, Crevel, etc. Illustrations by Ernst, Picasso, Man Ray, Masson, Miró, Chirico, Tanguy, etc.
A unique and rare copy owned by André Breton which holds his personal ex-libris drawn by Salvador Dali. This edition was justified and bound by Paul Bonet for André Breton.

Joined to the volume were the following manuscripts:

Max Morise. 3 pages in-4 typescript of the surrealist text by Max Morise published in N.1 of The Surrealist Revolution. " Je venais d'achever ce soir là... " ("I had just finished that night... "). André Breton indicated the name of Max Morise on the first page.

Robert Desnos and Ulysse Préchacq. Le Paradis. Manuscript signed by Robert Desnos. Handwritten in a school notebook with the logo "offered by the black lion to wise and studious children," printed on the cover. 7 handwritten pages in-8 by Robert Desnos inserted within 3 typed pages: "Fin de labeur" ("End of labor") by Préchacq, and one letter written by Préchaq (2 pages in-4) addressed to Desnos, with an indication of his handwriting. See link N.1 below.

Annotations written by André Breton in pencil:
"Not all men are sullied by their original sin. There are some privileged ones that possess innocent souls and virginal senses. In the past, it was Douanier Rousseau and J.P. Brisset as those today, the painter Miró and the poets like Benjamin Péret, Dédé Sumbeam and Ulysse Préchacq" Published in N°5 of The Surrealist Revolution.

Max Morise. Dream II. Dream III. Handwritten manuscript signed and dated, Antibes, 7-mai-1925. 2 pages in-4 folio, titled in green ink by Max Morise with a note on the back page that indicates "Clair de Terre" had just been published. "Dream II" has some redaction markings. 4 pages large in-4 folio handwritten, dated and entitled. "Dream of the 7th of May 1925" with corrections and signed in green ink by Max Morise.

Extract: "I am disguised as a grotesque magician and I prepare myself to join the person who was accompanying me: she is dressed like Cartouche, at least not like the Courrier de Lyon and brandished with a huge revolver made of tin. We are surrounded by innumerable policemen and alguaziles who seize us brutally," Published in The Surrealist Revolution, N° 5, October 15th 1925, pages 11 – 13.

Artaud, Antonin. The Revolution First and Always. 5 pages in-4, typescript which holds a few handwritten corrections probably added by Artaud and the list of those signed and suffered the many corrections with respect to the printed text. Published in N°5 of The Surrealist Revolution.

Breton André. Dreams. 4 pages in-4, handwritten manuscript of two dream narratives told by Marcel Noll.

Extract: "It is the revolution. The morning of this day, Sade was taken to prison by a battalion of light cavalry. The king (of whom I am one of his counselors), his following and the major part of the people who stood loyal to the king, lived in a group of old houses which, surrounded by a high wall, and protected by turrets, made up the royal residence. Without having seen her more than once, I knew that I must love the daughter of the king, Augustina, who admires and highly esteems the Marquis de Sade, who she protected in vain, against the charges of her father..." Breton wrote Marcel Noll's name on the manuscript. Published in n°7 of The Surrealist Revolution.

René Crevel. Le Pont de la mort. Handwritten manuscript, 1 page grand in-4 in mauve colored ink. Published in N° 7 of The Surrealist Revolution, page 27.

Pierre de Massot and Dzeryinski, President of Tcheka. Handwritten manuscript, signed.

"Here, alas, from the farthest sky a star never stops to bestow its light! The earth over there obscures itself a little and already the scurvy gasses creep, who in the shadows would be killed. With Dzeryinski, disappeared the figure the least known but the most pure of the Russia of the soviets," Published in N°8 de The Surrealist Revolution.

Gengenbach. Handwritten manuscripts and two signed letters to André Breton. 11 pages in-4 and in-12.

"Love, Chateaubriand, the horses in the wind, in the hurricane, a gull and then over there, in Switzerland a woman who dreams while watching the glaciers and at the Vatican, the Pope walks alone..." Certain extracts were published in the N°8 of The Surrealist Revolution.

Michel Leiris. Le Fer et la rouille. Handwritten poem, signed. 4 pages in-4.

"If houses weren't but windows, if this moving body that I am observing along this curb that is me, stopped at last - period - to breathe, if the vagabonds of thunder had at last fixed their tent on a few lost islets in the jaw of the clouds..."

Handwritten note by André Breton: "We restore here above in its integrity the poem of Michel Leiris which, following a typographical error, was found to be misprinted in our last issue" Published in N°8 of The Surrealist Revolution.

Pierre Unik. Surrealist text handwritten and signed, 2 pages in-4.

"The wild bays of the atmosphere meet in my heart. Floating the cadavers of glitter on the immense octopus rabid of hands and love. Let the white signal leave the joints of the world and you will see my purity greater than the fervor of your words at birth". Published in N°8 of The Surrealist Revolution.

Pierre Unik. La prière du soldat. 4 pages in-4. Manuscript text of Pierre Unik in response to an inquiry on love published in the last issue of The Surrealist Revolution in 1929, published without a signature.

One can think of a tactic to allow antisocial remarks to be accepted by attributing them to an outside correspondent.

“The inquiry on love, which made the swindlers laugh, the barracks for me that was a funny moment ... Outside of what represents the absurd, the repugnant, the revolting, military duty, linked to the boredom of which I thought could serve as a test to judge a man." This text by Pierre Unik was published in N°12 of The Surrealist Revolution.

Link N.1 Le Paradis de Robert Desnos and Ulysse Préchacq


- Paris, Musée national d'art moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou, André Breton, la beauté convulsive, 1991, rep.p. 171

La Révolution surréaliste à feuilleter

Notice Sudoc

Bibliographical materialParis. Gallimard and José Corti, Dec. 1, 1924- Dec. 15, 1929. 12 numbers in 11 issues in-4°. Breton Collection Sold 2003, lot 1130.
Date of publication 01/12/1924
Publicationfirst publication
PublisherJosé Corti, Paris, La Nouvelle Revue française, Librairie Gallimard, Paris
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 1130
Keywords, ,
Set[Journal] La Révolution surréaliste
Permanent link

See also

15 Works

Cadavre exquis

André Breton, Simone Kahn, ép. Breton puis Collinet, Max Morise

Exquisite Corpse in colored and black pencil, created 1927 and published in La révolution surréaliste the same year.
One image, one long descriptive notice, one bibliography.

[Surrealists Games] Cadavres exquis, [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste



non identifié


Cut-up print used to illustrate the issue n° 12 of The Surrealist Revolution in 1929.

[Journal] La Révolution surréaliste


Manuscrit surréaliste

Pierre Unik

Manuscrit autographe signé de Pierre Unik et daté de 1925. Paru dans le numéro 8 de La Révolution Surréaliste en décembre 1926.
Deux images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie.

[Manuscrits] Manuscrits de Pierre Unik, [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste


Le Paradis

Robert Desnos, Ulysse Préchacq

Ulysse Préchacq, or the inspired post-carrier? Desnos presents here, within the fifth issue of the The Surrealist Revolution, a text whose naive semblance confirms its authenticity.

[Journal] La Révolution surréaliste, [Revue] La Révolution surréaliste, 5


Paris en 1930

René Magritte


Collage de 1929 effectué avec trois cartes postales et réalisé par Magritte.

Une image, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, une exposition.

[Exhibitions] 1991, boîte archives bleue, Beaubourg, [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste


Photo Booth Portrait


Photo booth portrait of Paul Éluard taken circa 1929 to frame Magritte’s painting, I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest.

[Exhibitions] 2009-2010, Subversion of the images, Beaubourg


Photo Booth Portrait


Photo booth portrait of Nougé taken circa 1929 to frame Magritte’s painting, I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest.

[Exhibitions] 2009-2010, Subversion of the images, Beaubourg


Photo Booth Portrait


Photo booth portrait of Breton taken circa 1929 to frame Magritte's painting, I do not see the woman hidden in the forest.

[Exhibitions] 2009-2010, Subversion of the images, Beaubourg




10 tirages de photomatons c. 1929  dont certains utilisés par André Breton pour encadrer le tableau de Magritte, Je ne vois pas la femme cachée dans la forêt.

Dix images, une notice, une exposition, une bibliographie, des liens à poser.

[Exhibitions] 1991, boîte archives bleue, Beaubourg


Paris en 1930

non identifié, Marc Vaux


Photograph of a collage by Magritte published in issue n° 12 of The Surrealist Revolution in 1929, with four other prints.

[Exhibitions] 1991, boîte archives bleue, Beaubourg, [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste


A gathering at my home...

André Breton


Manuscript of a text by André Breton published, along with two other ‘Dreams’, in the first issue of La Révolution surréaliste, December 1924.

Two images, a description, a bibliography, a library.

[Archives] textes surréalistes ; cahiers surréalistes ; cachet, [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste


Robert Desnos lors de sa communion



Photographie de Robert Desnos en communiant en 1911.
Une image, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie.

[Journal] La Révolution surréaliste


Second Manifeste du Surréalisme

André Breton

Deuxième édition de l'essai d'André Breton consacré au surréalisme. Cette nouvelle version est éditée chez Simon Kra en 1930.

Trois images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, des expositions, un lien.


Second Manifeste du Surrealisme

André Breton


Original edition of the Second Manifesto of Surrealism, published by Kra in 1930.

[Exhibitions] 1991, boîte archives bleue, Beaubourg


La Voiture renversee

J. Champroux


Print used to illustrate an article by Jacques Rigaut published in The Surrealist Revolution in 1929.

[Journal] La Révolution surréaliste