Sleeping Fit
Edgar Varese (Person cited)
Four pages of text, one of which is illustrated with pencil portraits, dating from late 1922.
Five images, a descriptive note, links, a collection.
Edgar Varese (Person cited)
Four pages of text, one of which is illustrated with pencil portraits, dating from late 1922.
Five images, a descriptive note, links, a collection.
Edgar Varese (Person cited)
Handwritten manuscript by André Breton responding to Pierre Mabille’s enquiry dated 16 June 1941.
Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.
Edgar Varese (Text by)
Vingt-et-unième numéro de la revue d'Apollinaire, daté du 15 février 1914.
Trois images, une notice descriptive, une table des matières, des liens, des œuvres associées.