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Série de conférences en Haïti

Suite de huit conférences sur le surréalisme données par André Breton en Haïti.

A l'origine 11 conférences étaient prévues.

Dates20/12/1945 - 12/02/1946
Current Location
CategoriesDiscours, meetings, conférences, 1916 - 1966
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has text
Year of publication
10 Works

First Lecture

André Breton

Manuscript of a lecture by André Breton on December 20th, 1945 à Port-au-Prince; first of a series of eight.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Interview with _Jeunes Antilles_

André Breton


Manuscript of an interview given by André Breton to the newspaper Jeunes Antilles in Fort-de-France on 2 March 1946.
Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a link.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Eighth Lecture

André Breton


Manuscript of the eighth Breton lecture delivered on February 12th, 1946. Through topics such as Dada, Tanguy, Dalí, Ernst and Futurism, André Breton "returns to the antinomy of necessity and freedom" (Inédits I [Unpublished Texts] I, t. III, 1992, p. 1243).

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Seventh Lecture

André Breton


Manuscript of the seventh lecture of Breton in Port-au-Prince, given on February 8th, 1946. It will be published in the Pléiade library in 1992.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Sixth Lecture

André Breton


Manuscript of the sixth lecture given by Breton at Port-au-Prince (Haiti) on February 5th, 1946, and which would be published in 1992 by Gallimard [Publishing] House.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Fifth Lecture

André Breton


Manuscript of the Fifth Lecture by André Breton in Haiti, this time regarding modern art, held on January 29, 1946. This text, which deals with collages, Cubism, and Surrealism, will be published in the Inédits I (Unpublished Texts I) of the Pléiade in 1992.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Fourth Lecture

André Breton

Handwritten text from the fourth lecture, given on Friday, January 25th, 1946; to be included in the Inédits I (Unpublished Texts I) of the third volume of the Pléiade in 1992.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Third Lecture

André Breton


Third lecture in a series of eight that André Breton gave in Haiti in December 1945-1946. This one was given on January 22nd 1946.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Second Lecture

André Breton

Manuscript of the lecture from January 11th, 1946; second of the eight given by André Breton in Haiti.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Dossier de presse sur Haïti

André Breton

Cahier élaboré par André Breton de 58 pages de documents et de coupures de presse datés de Port-au-Prince et de Fort-de-France, 1945-1946.
72 images, une notice descriptive, une collection.

[Albums] Scrapbooks, [AB's Manuscripts] Haïti