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[Manuscripts] Sommeils

 Les Sommeils regroupent, dans l'atelier d'André Breton, les manuscrits de ses amis écrits en état de sommeil, ou sous la dictée d'un rêveur. Ils sont pour la plupart regroupés à la Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet, Paris.

« Sommeils (Époque des) - La fin de l'année 1922 apporte au surréalisme un élément neuf. C'est l'époque des sommeils... Il s'agissait d'aller chercher au fond du sommeil hypnotique les secrètes réponses du subconscient. 1922, année des grands discours hypnotiques de Robert Desnos, jours de Rrose Sélavy et de ses hallucinantes sentences où règne l'esprit vitrifié de Marcel Duchamp. » (G. H.) Dictionnaire abrégé du Surréalisme.

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46 Works

Rene Crevel's era

non identifié


Brief commentary probably from Les Sommeils, dated 1 November 1922 and annotated by Éluard.
An image, a description, links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils, [Journal] Littérature



non identifié

Manuscript by André Breton filed as ‘unclassifiable’, among drawings by Robert Desnos and texts from the early 1920s. Three images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Les Médiums

Robert Desnos

Dicté à vive allure par Robert Desnos à André Breton, ce manuscrit au crayon datant de 1922.
Neuf images, une description, des liens, une bibliothèque.

[Manuscripts] dossier Robert Desnos, [Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit

Benjamin Péret


Undated sleeping fit, probably by Benjamin Péret, made up of three pages.

Three images, a description, some links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils



René Crevel, non identifié, Benjamin Péret

Manuscrit au crayon classé parmi des « Documents Crevel et Péret » par André Breton et symptomatique des Sommeils.
Une image, une description, des liens, une bibliothèque.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping Fit

non identifié

Four pages of text, one of which is illustrated with pencil portraits, dating from late 1922. Five images, a descriptive note, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit

Robert Desnos, non identifié

Seven-page manuscript of an active sleeping fit by Desnos, Péret or Crevel, dated 1922. Seven images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit of Robert Desnos

Robert Desnos

Handwritten fragments and drawings from Desnos' sleeping fits, dating from 1922. Five images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Robert Desnos' Sleeping fit

Robert Desnos


Abstract drawings and the manuscript of a Robert Desnos sleeping fit annotated by Breton dating from 1922.

13 images, a description, links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit

Robert Desnos, non identifié

Handwritten fragments of conversation with a dreamer, probably dating from 1922. Two images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit

Robert Desnos

Manuscript of a particularly extraordinary sleeping fit of Desnos from 1922. Sixteen images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Dessins Sommeils

Robert Desnos

Cinq sommeils dessinés de et par Robert Desnos en 1922, accompagnés d'une note autographe d'André Breton.
Cinq images, une description, des liens, une bibliothèque.

[Manuscripts] dossier Robert Desnos, [Manuscripts] Sommeils


Robert Desnos’ sleeping fit of 28 September 1922

Robert Desnos

Manuscript of a sleeping fit by Robert Desnos transcribed in part by André Breton and dated 28 September 1922. Fourteen images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Robert Desnos' sleeping fit of 28 September 1922

Robert Desnos


Second sleeping fit of Robert Desnos dated September 28, 1922 noted by André Breton and accompanied by a poem in alexandrines.
28 images, a description, links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit of Renée Gauthier

Renée Gauthier

Renée Gauthier's sleeping fit transcribed by René Crevel, dated Saturday 30 September 1922, the very first series of hypnotic sleeping fits. Three images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit by Robert Desnos of 30 September 1922

Robert Desnos


First written and illustrated sleeping fit by Robert Desnos dated 30 September 1922 and partly annotated by André Breton.
25 images, a description, some links, a bibliography, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils, [Journal] Littérature


Sommeil de Benjamin Péret

Benjamin Péret

Sommeil de Benjamin Péret daté du lundi 2 octobre 1922, le dormeur étant aux prises avec une vision.
13 images, une description, une bibliographie, des liens, une bibliothèque.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils, [Journal] Littérature


Robert Desnos’ sleeping fit of 7 October 1922

Robert Desnos

First sleeping fit of Robert Desnos, questioned by André Breton and his friends on 7 October 1922. Thirty-eight images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit by Robert Desnos of 7 October 1922

André Breton, Robert Desnos


Second manuscript of a sleeping fit by Desnos replying to questions from Éluard, Péret, Ernst and Mme Everling transcribed by Simone and André Breton on 7 October 1922.
22 images, a description, some links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Robert Desnos’ sleeping fit of 14 October 1922

Robert Desnos

Sleeping fit manuscript of Rrose Sélavy - alias Duchamp, alias Desnos in a sleeping fit - of 14 October 1922 Two images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils