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For an Independent Revolutionary Art



Authors André Breton, Diego Rivera
People cited Karl Marx, Garcia Oliver


Print dated Mexico, July 25, 1938.
- 4 pages in-4°, printed in black ink, signed and dated Mexico, July 25, 1938:
“It can be claimed without exaggeration that human civilization has never been threatened with so many dangers as it is today. The vandals, using their barbaric, that is to say very precarious, means, destroyed ancient civilization in a limited corner of Europe. Currently, it is the entire world civilization, in the unity of its historical destiny, which is tottering under the threat of reactionary forces armed with all modern technology. We are not only looking at the approaching war. From now on, in times of peace, the situation of science and art has become absolutely intolerable. » [André Breton website, 2023]

Translated by Christina Heflin


André Breton (Édition publiée sous la direction d'Étienne-Alain Hubert avec la collaboration de Philippe Bernier, Marie-Claire Dumas et José Pierre ), Pour un art révolutionnaire indépendant, Œuvres complètes, tome III, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, Gallimard, 1999, p. 684-691.


Lire ce tract sur Mélusine

Creation date25/07/1938
Bibliographical material

4 pages in-4° – printed – black ink on yellow paper

Number of pages4 p.
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2217
Keywords, , ,
CategoriesArchival Documents, Pamphlets
SetTracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives
Permanent link

See also

1 Work

Pour un art révolutionnaire indépendant

André Breton, Diego Rivera

Rédigé avec Léon Trotski mais signé de Diego Rivera, ce Manifeste pour un « art révolutionnaire indépendant » donne enfin, en 1938, la formule définitive des rapports entre le surréalisme et la révolution.
16 images, une description, un lien.

Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives