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Numéro 2 de la deuxième série de la revue View, paru en mai 1942 chez Charles Henry Ford à New York.

Numéros importants consacrés à Max Ernst, à Tanguy, au fantastique, etc.
Nombreuses reproductions et illustrations d'œuvres de Max Ernst, Yves Tanguy, André Masson, etc.
(cartonnage décoloré par endroit). [catalogue de la vente, 2003]

« Couvertures couleur pêche de Pavel Tchelitchew et Yves Tanguy. Imprimé dos-à-dos. » (source : Laurence McGilvery)


Table of Contents

Authors beginning with Tanguy section:

André Breton – What Tanguy veils and reveals

Nicolas Calas – Alone

James Johnson Sweeney – Iconographer of Melancholy

Benjamin Péret – Tanguy, or, the goose-barnacle torpedoes the Jivaros

John B.L. Goodwin – Fragment, untitled

Harold Rosenberg – Breton – A dialogue

Nicolas Calas – Notes on liberty

Kurt Seligmann – It’s easy to criticize

Charles Henri Ford – There’s no place to sleep in this bed, Tanguy


Authors beginning with Tchelitchew section:

Parker Tyler – Tchelitchew’s world

James Thrall Soby – Return to the north

Lincoln Kirstein – The position of Pavel Tchelitchew

William Carlos Williams – Cache cache

Montagu O’Reilly – Once the soft silken damage done


Reproductions (Tanguy section, order of appearance)

Yves Tanguy – Drawing

Kertesz – Photo (no title, bottom of page)

Kertesz – La structure chez Tanguy

Palette of the artist

Yves Tanguy – Time and again (1942)

Y. T. – Extinction of unnecessary lights (1927)

Y. T. – The sandman (Surrealist Postcard)

David Hare – Yves Tanguy (photo, 1942)

Y. T. – Three’s A crowd (1932)

Y. T. – Palais Promontone (1930)

Y. T. – Drawings (untitled, with poem by C.H.F)


Reproductions (Tchelitchew section, order of appearance)

Pavel Tchelitchew – The ogre (1941), Drawing

P. T. – Body in space (1926)

P. T. – Drawing, untitled; same page: Phenomena (Detail, 1938)

P. T. – Human still life (1930)

P. T. – Portrait of my father (1940)

Tchelitchew – Bullfight (1934)

P. T. – Head of Edith Sitwell (1929)

Sculpture in Wire and Wax

J. R. – Pavel Tchelitchew (1942), Photo

Pavel Tchelitchew – Metamorphose: Head of René Crevel (1925), Blue clown (1929), Nude in Space (1926), Children (1940)

P. T. – Detail from the ogre (untitled)

P. T. – The green head (1940)



Books and Texts illustrated by Yves Tanguy, etc.

Views Listens: Letters from William Carlos Williams, Henry Miller, Dwight McDonald, Parker Tyler and André Masson

Lewis Carrol – Alfred Lord Tennyson (photo); “Night” and “Day”


Articles et magazines d'Yves Tanguy

Bibliothèque Kandinsky

Bibliographical material

New York, Charles Henry Ford, vol. 2, n° 2, mai 1942. In-8°, couverture illustrée par Yves Tanguy et Pavel Tchelitchew.

Date of publication Mai 1942
Publicationfirst publication
Size26,30 x 18,40 cm
PublisherCharles Henri Ford, New-York
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 1152
Keywords, , ,
Set[Journal] View
ExhibitionSurréalisme..., MNAM Centre Pompidou | Centenaire du Manifeste du surréalisme
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