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39 Works

Sleeping fit by Robert Desnos

Robert Desnos


Manuscripts and drawings from a sleeping fit representing portraits of the surrealists. 

14 images, a description, some links, a library. 

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping Fit

non identifié

Four pages of text, one of which is illustrated with pencil portraits, dating from late 1922. Five images, a descriptive note, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils



non identifié

Manuscript by André Breton filed as ‘unclassifiable’, among drawings by Robert Desnos and texts from the early 1920s. Three images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit of 22 October 1922

Robert Desnos, non identifié


Manuscript of a sleeping fit written and dated 22 October [1922] originating from Desnos while asleep or the work of Breton in the mode of the sleeping fits. 
Five images, a description, some links, a library. 

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit by Rrose Selavy of 18 October 1922

Robert Desnos


Sleeping fit session of 18 October 1922; from New York, Marcel Duchamp-Rrose Sélavy dictates a few phrases to Robert Desnos that would feature again in Corps et biens.
Five images, a description, some links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit by Benjamin Peret

Benjamin Péret


Sleeping fit by Benjamin Péret, questioned first in writing then out loud; 26 sheets, titled and dated Saturday 30 September 1922.
26 images, a description, a bibliography, some links, a library. 

[Manuscripts] Sommeils, [Journal] Littérature


Question / answer

Robert Desnos


Desnos speaks, replies to questions and writes, often briefly (‘Yes’, ‘No’) and sometimes at greater length in this manuscript of a particularly fertile session of sleeping fits.
86 images, a description, some links, a library. 

[Exhibitions] 1991, boîte archives bleue, Beaubourg, [Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit by Benjamin Peret

Benjamin Péret


‘Do you give a damn about the world?’ In this ‘sleeping fit’ dated 7 October 1922, Péret evokes the motifs of the tree and the flower with which he identifies.
Six images, a description, a bibliography, some links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils, [Journal] Littérature


Sleeping fit by Robert Desnos of 27 October 1922

Robert Desnos


Rrose Sélavy communicates through the mouth and the drawings of a sleeping Robert Desnos, replying to the questions by Benjamin Péret, Simone Kahn and André Breton, in this sleeping fit of 27 October 1922.
Nine images, a description, some links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Robert Desnos’ sleeping fit of 28 September 1922

Robert Desnos

Manuscript of a sleeping fit by Robert Desnos transcribed in part by André Breton and dated 28 September 1922. Fourteen images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Robert Desnos' sleeping fit of 28 September 1922

Robert Desnos


Second sleeping fit of Robert Desnos dated September 28, 1922 noted by André Breton and accompanied by a poem in alexandrines.
28 images, a description, links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Robert Desnos’ sleeping fit of 16 October 1922

Robert Desnos

Manuscript of Robert Desnos' sleeping fit of 16 October 1922, under the questioning of André Breton and his friends. Five images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Robert Desnos’ sleeping fit of 14 October 1922

Robert Desnos

Sleeping fit manuscript of Rrose Sélavy - alias Duchamp, alias Desnos in a sleeping fit - of 14 October 1922 Two images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit by Robert Desnos of 30 September 1922

Robert Desnos


First written and illustrated sleeping fit by Robert Desnos dated 30 September 1922 and partly annotated by André Breton.
25 images, a description, some links, a bibliography, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils, [Journal] Littérature


Sommeil de Benjamin Péret

Benjamin Péret

Dépassant d'emblée les résultats de l'écriture automatique, ce sommeil de Benjamin Péret date du 27 octobre 1922.
Trois images, une notice descriptive, des liens, une bibliothèque.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit by Rrose Selavy

Robert Desnos


Sleeping fit by Rrose Sélavy - Robert Desnos - of 16 October 1922 transcribed by André Breton.
An image, a description, some links, a library. 

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sleeping fit

Benjamin Péret


Undated sleeping fit, probably by Benjamin Péret, made up of three pages.

Three images, a description, some links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Robert Desnos’ sleeping fit of 12 November 1922

Robert Desnos

Transcribed by Breton, this manuscript of a sleeping fit and drawings by Desnos apparently dates from 12 November 1922. Five images, a description, links, a collection.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils


Sommeil de Benjamin Péret

Benjamin Péret

Sommeil de Benjamin Péret daté du lundi 2 octobre 1922, le dormeur étant aux prises avec une vision.
13 images, une description, une bibliographie, des liens, une bibliothèque.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils, [Journal] Littérature


Robert Desnos' Sleeping fit

Robert Desnos


Abstract drawings and the manuscript of a Robert Desnos sleeping fit annotated by Breton dating from 1922.

13 images, a description, links, a library.

[Manuscripts] Sommeils