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"We decided ... to publish a review more eclectic than Nord-Sud," Philippe Soupault, (along with André Breton and Louis Aragon) declared in an introduction to this review. A major vehicle of Surrealist thought, Littérature would publish some of the most important surrealist texts such as The Magnetic Fields. The title of Littérature was originally proposed by Paul Valéry, who was inspired by the last line of one of Verlaine's art poétique (1874): "And all the rest is literature". André Breton, director and co-editor of the review said that the adoption of this title was done in the spirit of derision.

The first 20 issues extend from March 1919 to August 1921. The "new series," (nouvelle série), was issued after the controversial Barrès case, and impending break with the Dada movement. Presented here we have the full series: 13 issues from March 1922 to June 1924, including one double issue (11/12). This beautiful copy was bound by Paul Bonet for André Breton. The cover has a golden backing, where each letter of the title intercalates with a band of colored morocco and holds the dates of publication.

Here are some pages of the revue to browse through. To see a specific issue, please click on the bibliographic link of the review below, to return to the group list of issues.

Littérature (First series: March 1919-August 1921, New series: March 1922-June 1924) has been accessible in image mode for some time at the The Dada International Archive website.
Since the 4th of October 2008, the website Mélusine, center of research on surrealism, offers the possibility of reading Littérature in text mode (French only), giving us the ability to search specific vocabulary in the text.

Littérature, sur Mélusine

Bibliographical materialBreton Collection Sold 2003, lot 1125 March 1922. In-4°, in-8°, in-12, in-24
Date of publication 1922
Publicationfirst publication

Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet, Paris : BRT 162

PublisherAu Sans Pareil, Paris
Original publication date1922
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 1125
Keywords, , , , ,
CategoriesLetters to André Breton, Surrealists Manuscripts, Journals
Set[Journal] Littérature
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