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International Surrealist Bulletin



Contributions by non identifié
Photographs by non identifié


Fourth issue of the International Surrealist Bulletin published in September 1936 by the English group: Eileen Agar, Gascoyne, Jennings, Moore, etc.

Text in two columns in English and French.

Link to:
- An uncorrected proof print of the same issues with some variations in the page layout.

Creation date01/09/1936
Bibliographical material

London, Surrealist group of London, september 1936. In-4° stapled.

Date of publication 1936
Publicationfirst publication
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 1145
CategoriesBooks, Catalogs, Journals, Journals
Set[Revue] Bulletin international du Surréalisme
ExhibitionSurréalisme..., MNAM Centre Pompidou | Centenaire du Manifeste du surréalisme
Permanent link
Exhibition place

See also

1 Work

International Surrealist Bulletin

non identifié


Surrealism, proof print of the fourth issue of the International Surrealist Bulletin published in September 1936.
One image, one description to be completed.

[Revue] Bulletin international du Surréalisme