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    Photograph of a collage by Magritte published in issue n° 12 of The Surrealist Revolution in 1929, with four other prints.

    Attached to the photograph of Matisse’s collage are four prints of his works. Five prints total. One of the photos is a reproduction of a small painting representing Rimbaud lying in bed. Another is of a series of portraits titled “Scutenaire’s pell-mell” (as indicated on the back). [Auction catalogue, 2003]



    - Georges Sadoul, « Bonne année ! Bonne santé ! », La Révolution surréaliste, cinquième année, n° 12, 15 décembre 1929, rep.p. 46
    - Paris, Musée national d'art moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou, André Breton, la beauté convulsive, 1991, rep.p. 289

    Creation date1920 1934
    Physical description23,5 x 29 cm (9 1/4 x 11 7/16 in.)
    Breton Auction, 2003Lot 5109
    Keywords, ,
    Categories1915-1923, 1924-1930, 1931-1939
    Set[Exhibitions] 1991, boîte archives bleue, Beaubourg, [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste
    ExhibitionAndré Breton, La Beauté convulsive
    Permanent link

    See also

    2 Works

    Paris en 1930

    René Magritte


    Collage de 1929 effectué avec trois cartes postales et réalisé par Magritte.

    Une image, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, une exposition.

    [Exhibitions] 1991, boîte archives bleue, Beaubourg, [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste


    The Surrealist Revolution

    Complete collection of the most famous and important journal, The Surrealist Revolution. 12 numbers of the journal in 11 issues: from December 1st, 1924 to the 15th of December 1929. Directed by Pierre Naville, Benjamin Péret and André Breton.

    [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste