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Photo Booth Portrait



Person cited Paul Éluard


Photo booth portrait of Paul Éluard taken circa 1929 to frame Magritte’s painting, I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest.

Part of the photo booth photography used by Andre Breton to frame Magritte’s painting, I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest, reproduced in The Surrealist Revolution, No. 12, December 15, 1929. Pictured: Paul Éluard. [Auction catalogue, 2003]

Creation datecirca 1929
Physical descriptionÉpreuve gélatino-argentique
10,2 x 3,8 cm
Place of origin

Musée national d'Art moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris : AM 2003-287(5)

Copyright© G. Meguerditchian/Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 5263
Keywords, , , ,
CategoriesPhotography, 1924-1930
Set[Journal] La Révolution surréaliste
ExhibitionFêtes foraines et Photomaton
Permanent link
Place of origin
Exhibition places

See also

1 Work

Photo Booth Portrait


Photo booth portrait of Mesens taken circa 1929 to frame Magritte's painting I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest.

[Journal] La Révolution surréaliste