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Undated manuscript, signed by André Breton, relating to the pewter plate engraved by Verlaine and Jarry.

The pewter plate referred to here is in Breton's collection; a reproduction of it was published in Le Surréalisme, même. Rachilde, the dedicatee of this work of art, was also an important figure in Symbolism, a friend of Gourmont, and a columnist for the Mercure. In a similar way as in the exhibition of Symbolist Drawings in 1958, Breton here offers a way of acknowledging the artistic world of his early youth, which he had already praised in the Entretiens radiophoniques with André Parinaud in the early 1950s. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005] 

Undated manuscript, signed by André Breton. 

- 1 page in-4° on the reverse side of the letterhead of L'Écart absolu, autograph text in ink signed by André Breton relating to the pewter plate engraved by Verlaine and Jarry. [Sale Catalogue, 2003]

The sale catalogue lists this manuscript in the folder Le Surréalisme, même. [André Breton website, 2021]

Creation datesd
Bibliographical material

1 page in-4° - MS and DS - blue and black ink.

Number of pages1 p.
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2443
CategoriesAndre Breton's Manuscripts
Set[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Journal] La Brèche
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2 Works

The beautiful pewter of this plate...

André Breton


Autograph manuscript with photograph, signed and dated 19 September 1965. The photograph shows the pewter plate engraved by Alfred Jarry and Paul Verlaine.

An image, a descriptive note, a series, an associated journal, a series.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Journal] La Brèche, [Archives] Le surréalisme, même


La Brèche, 8


Numéro 8, publié en novembre 1965, de cette revue surréaliste dirigée par André Breton à Paris.

Une image, une notice descriptive, un lien, une exposition.

[Journal] La Brèche