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Declaration read out on 3 September 1936 to the meeting on The Truth About the Moscow Trial



Author André Breton
People cited Otto Bauer, Joseph Staline, Léon Trotsky


Manuscripts by André Breton for the speech of 3 September 1936 and the identical tract, prepared ready for printing.  

From the singular to the plural: the draft of this speech of 3 September 1936 reveals the transformation of an isolated voice as a spokesperson for a group into a more clearly defined authority. That’s because this concerns the very first Moscow trials, and that Breton’s reaction is as fierce as can be: 'abominable', 'unforgivable', the trials confirmed the drift towards totalitarianism of a Stalinism that Breton had long suspected. The break with the Communist Party, at the beginning of 1935, then the experience of Contre-attaque at last gave him the freedom to express this. Finally, advocating in favour of Trostky would anticipate the meeting that would take place two years later in Mexico. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]

Handwritten manuscript 
- 6 in-4° pages.


Translated by Krzysztof Fijalkowski


José Pierre (dir.) , Tracts surréalistes et Déclarations collectives (1922-1969), Paris, Le Terrain vague (Éric Losfeld éditeur), t. I, p. 306

Maurice Nadeau, Histoire du surréalisme, Documents surréalistes, Paris, Le Seuil, 1948, p. 350

Lire ce tract sur Mélusine

Creation date03-sept.-36
Date of publication 1936
Number of pages6 p.
Keywords, , , ,
CategoriesAndre Breton's Manuscripts, Pamphlets
Set[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives
ExhibitionsLa vérité sur le procès de Moscou , Surréalisme..., MNAM Centre Pompidou | Centenaire du Manifeste du surréalisme
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Exhibition place

See also

1 Work

La Vérité sur le procès de Moscou

André Breton


Tract rédigé par André Breton le 3 septembre 1936 et dans lequel il prend la défense de Léon Trotsky.

Une image, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, une série, une exposition, un lien.

Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives