Tapuscrit signé de Nora Mitrani, sans date
Dessin autographe de Jindrich Heisler pour la revue NEON, datant de 1950. Tapuscrits des textes correspondants de F. Nemec, Mandiargues, Carrouges, N. Mitrani. [Site Atelier André Breton, 2005]
Tapuscrit, non daté.
3 pages in-4°, tapuscrit titré : « Amante religieuse » de Nora [Mitrani] [Catalogue de la vente, 2003]
See also
4 Works
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
André Pieyre de Mandiargues
Tapuscrit signé d'André Pieyre de Mandiargues, sans date.
Quatre images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une œuvre associée.
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
Michel Carrouges, Jindřich Heisler, Nora Mitrani, Frantisek Nemec, André Pieyre de Mandiargues
Dessin autographe de Jindrich Heisler pour la revue NEON, datant de 1950. Tapuscrits des textes correspondants de F. Nemec, Mandiargues, Carrouges, N. Mitrani.
Sept images, une notice descriptive, un lien, une collection, une bibliothèque.
[Journal] NEON
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
Frantisek Nemec
Tapuscrit signé de Frantisek Nemec, sans date
Quatre images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une œuvre associée.
Tapuscrit signé d'André Pieyre de Mandiargues, sans date.
Dessin autographe de Jindrich Heisler pour la revue NEON, datant de 1950. Tapuscrits des textes correspondants de F. Nemec, Mandiargues, Carrouges, N. Mitrani. [Site Atelier André Breton, 2005]
Tapuscrit, non daté.
3 pages 1/2 in-4° foliotées, tapuscrit titré « Le blanc et le vert » et signé à l'encre par André Pieyre de Mandiargues. [Catalogue de la vente, 2003]
See also
3 Works
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
Nora Mitrani
Tapuscrit signé de Nora Mitrani, sans date.
Trois images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une œuvre associée
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
Frantisek Nemec
Tapuscrit signé de Frantisek Nemec, sans date
Quatre images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une œuvre associée.
Taspucrit signé de Michel Carrouges, sans date
Dessin autographe de Jindrich Heisler pour la revue NEON, datant de 1950. Tapuscrits des textes correspondants de F. Nemec, Mandiargues, Carrouges, N. Mitrani. [Site Atelier André Breton, 2005]
Taspucrit, non daté.
- 2 pages 1/2 in-4°, tapuscrit, titré « Nourritures fabuleuses » de Michel Carrouges. [Catalogue de la vente, 2003]
See also
3 Works
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
Nora Mitrani
Tapuscrit signé de Nora Mitrani, sans date.
Trois images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une œuvre associée
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
André Pieyre de Mandiargues
Tapuscrit signé d'André Pieyre de Mandiargues, sans date.
Quatre images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une œuvre associée.
Would you like to record this work in your own portfolio ? In this portfolio, it is easy to get your own images galllery for you or your students. You may collect every description you need for a work in progress. You may as well imagine your ideal gallery, or a virtual exhibition.
To create your portfolio, you need to create an account, clicking on ID. You may create your new portfolio under the Menu Participate, selecting Portfolios. Once the page opened, in the left margin, under the section « Portfolios », please select « Add a portfolio ».
Frantisek Nemec
Tapuscrit signé de Frantisek Nemec, sans date
Quatre images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une œuvre associée.